Elcam Software

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  2. Elcom Software
  3. Elecam Software
Elcam SoftwareEcam software m&v

Security cameras can be frustrating to manage. A universal self-install solution for live monitoring, cloud recording, broadcasting & much more. DeskProto is one more free CAM software for Windows. It is a free 3D CAM software that works with 3-axis, 4-axis, and 5-axis milling machines. This software allows you to create most complex 3D geometry (using STL file), 3D drawings (DXF file), and 3D replicas based on photos (BMP file). Log in / Sign up. A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z; 0-9. AnyCam is a user-friendly and effective software solution whose main purpose consists of offering you the ability to monitor multiple IP cameras simultaneously, handy for surveillance reasons, in particular. Video Archive Playback. You can play the recordings stored on your computer or shared network drive.

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Ecam Software

Discussion in 'Dive Software' started by mockney, Jan 2, 2018.

Elcom Software

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Rollers gluing machine

Elecam Software

Our rollers gluing machine can be used with water based or hot-melt glues to produce cushions and sheets of polyurethane. The gluing process is automatically managed by a sophisticated recognition system, which allows the glue-spreading roller to place itself above the foam sheet with the best accuracy. The machines permits to spread glue over the whole surface of a plane foam sheet, or over the top of wave-surfaced sheets. Thanks to the option “Profile”, it is possible to move the rollers up and down, following the contour of the wave-surfaced foam sheet. Moreover, the weight of the glue can be adjusted manually or automatically with micrometrically precision, in order to maximize the effectiveness of the glues spreading process. These features offer many advantages such as an extreme matching precision after glue spreading and the adjustment of the weight of the glue. Moreover, the machine presents different options like rollers for hot-melt glues, automatic height recognition system of the workpiece and conveyor belt with adjustable sides to fit the dimensions of the product.