Vanilla Sky Script

Open your eyes.

Vanilla Sky Movie Script by Cameron Crowe with full dialogue. Vanilla Sky Script - The Dialogue Ta da! The Vanilla Sky transcript is here for all you fans of Cameron Crowe movies. The entire dialogue script, all the quotes, the whole shebang. I know, I know, I still need to get the character names in there.I'm workin' on it, trust me. Dec 04, 2008 Vanilla Sky and an unproduced Coen Bros script - post author Don A couple of non-FYC scripts up. Thanks to you can read the 2001 shooting script of Vanilla Sky which was based on the screenplay Abre Los Ojos by Alejandro Amenabar and Mateo Gil. Vanilla Sky (2001) Script. Home; Movies; Vanilla Sky; Woman 1: Open your eyes. Woman 2: Open your eyes.

Open your eyes.

Open your eyes.

  • Shooting Script, 2001 Cruise/Wagner Productions in association with Paramount Pictures 5555 Melrose Ave Hollywood, CA. 90038 Phone: 323.956.5575.
  • Indeed, Crowe stuffed his dog-eared script with various photographs and clippings — everything from advertisements and vintage movie stills to artwork and album covers — each a symbolic source of inspiration. “Vanilla Sky is a pop culture ride,” says Cruise.

Open your eyes.

David, open your--

Well, I suppose

the emptystreetmeant loneliness.

You're a shrink.

You gotta do better than that.

I'm a doctor.

Let's not stereotype each other.

Not all rich kids

are soulless and...

not all psychologists

care about dreams.

The question is how you got here

and why you've been charged.

What do you want to know?

I was about to turn 33.

I ran three magazines

and a worldwidepublishing house.

Most days I fooledmyself into

believing it would last forever.

Isn't that what being young

is about?

Believing secretly

that you would be...

the one person

in the history of man...

who would live forever.

Where you going so early?

Don't record any more messages

on my alarm clock, okay?

- Why not?

- I'll start to think we're married.

Don't ever say that word.

I will never come over...

and bring you chicken soup

and f*** your brains out again.

How's your cold?

Still there.

How 'bout yours?

You definitely took

my mind off it.



'Juliana' here.

Hi, Rayna. I missed my audition.

I lost my head!

No, listen, I have to go.

I'm with David.

Help yourself to whatever. Maria will

clean up. Set the alarmbefore you go.

Vanilla Sky Script


you are the greatest.

Bye, honey.

Bye, honey.

I'll call you later.


- When?

- Soon!

Did you reserve the court?

Easy. I can't handle heavy

conversation at this ungodly hour.

Vanilla sky script pdf

Sorry to do this early,

but I gotta be done by 10:00.

You're not gonna make

the 8:
45, are you?

- How did you find me?

- David Aames...

you have to check the colors

for the new issue of Rise.

-What are the colors?

-Yellow and red or traditional white.

- Gottathinkabout it.

- David, please.

Don't be late for the 10:00

with the board.

Don't tell anybodywhere I am.

I don't care if God calls.

- I'm very, very busy.

- Yeah.

- Can't you get rid of that board?

- The Seven Dwarfs?. No.

Those peopledrive you nuts.

And that was the desire

of my father who hired them.

You f***ed JulieGianni again,

didn't you?

I know someone was there

when I called.

You had that tone.

'No, I got a cold.

I'm hanging in tonight, you know.'

I had a cold.

- I was alone.

- Fine.

-You do what you want with your life.


But one day you'll know

what love truly is.

It's the sour and the sweet.

I know sour, whichallows me

to appreciate the sweet.

Julie Gianni is a friend.

Sometimes we sleep together.

What? What?

- What?

- My dream girl...

Julie Gianni...

is your f*** buddy.

- What do you wannalisten to?

- Slow down, man.

What do we got here?

Barcelona, Looper.


Look out! Look out!


We almost died.

- I know.

- Use your f***in' head!

My own death was in front of me,

and you know what happened?

Your life flashed

before my eyes.

- How was it?

- Almostworthdying for.

We're at the front door.

We're coming up now.

- Good morning, sir. Sleep well?

- Yes, I did.

- Eaten yet?

- What's that?.

Vanilla Sky Script

Good morning.

David, you were playing racquetball.

I've been covering you for an hour.

I'm saving your ass

and you're playing racquetball.

Thank you, Fritz.

We are now exiting the elevator.

The board is not happy.

- Good morning, Beatrice.

- Hello, David.

You're in the Post today. Courtney Love

called to see if you got her E-mail.

Vanilla sky quotes

And GraydonCarter and Shelley Wanger

called to see if dinner's still on.

- Cool.

Vanilla Sky Script Pdf

- Art departmentneeds the colors--

- yellow and red or white?

- Good morning, David.

And did I mention the board

is pissed you're late?

Hey, David! Hold up!