Fanny For El Capitan

  1. Explorer, geographer, and Himalayan mountaineer Fanny Bullock Workman (1859-1925) is inducted into the Mountaineering Hall of Fame. Quinn Brett and Libby Sauter do the first all female two El Cap routes in a day. 2015: Ashima Shiraishi climbs 5.14d/5.15a (9a/9a+). Ashima Shiraishi, at age 13, climbs Open Your Mind Direct- a possible 5.15a in Spain.
  2. 5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b. Southeast Face: 125: C3 Aid 16 pitches.

'Welcome to Hollywood! What's your dream?' demands the 'Happy Man' played by Abdul Salaam El Razzac in 1990's Pretty Woman. As the character implies, anything can happen in Tinseltown whether it's in real life or make-believe on film. Since the early 1900s, Britannica verifies, thousands of actors have flocked to this iconic neighborhood of Los Angeles in hopes of making it big. And when they don't, well, that's Hollywood for you. Only the strong can survive the ups-and-downs of the film industry that keeps America on the cutting edge of stardom with anticipation. As the media has shown, the acting profession can be quite volatile as dreams are frequently dashed.

Hollywood certainly has had lots of stories of heartbreaks and tragedies that pair nicely with the trappings of fame. That is no doubt why Hollywood makes such a great place for ghost stories. No wonder people like ghost hunter Scott Michaels are on hand take tourists on a 'Dearly Departed' tour and show them such intriguing items as the car actress Jayne Mansfield died in and other 'tragical artifacts.' And if you too have a dark love for haunted Hollywood, read on to learn about some of the more intriguing landmarks this famous, and sometimes infamous, suburb of glitz and glamour has to offer.

Hollywoodland: a real estate developers dream

Hollywood's first dreamers were its founders, Harvey and Daeida Wilcox. U.S. History says the Wilcox's moved to Los Angeles in the 1880s and purchased 160 acres of land. Daeida Wilcox had heard of Hollywood, Ohio and thought that would make a nice name for the Wilcox ranch. When the ranch failed, Harvey platted a town instead. Hollywood had a population of 500 by 1900. At least that's one story. History explains that in 1902, real estate developer H.J. Whitley, aka the 'Father of Hollywood,' showed up and opened the Hollywood Hotel (now the Dolby Theater), thereby officially establishing the community. Either way, Hollywood incorporated in 1903 but soon relegated itself to just being a trendy Los Angeles neighborhood.

Next, in 1907 according to Hollywood Sign, a Chicago film company came west because California offered better weather. Besides, filmmakers were sick of Thomas Edison's studios back east which were hard to work with. By 1911, Hollywood's first film studio had been built at Sunset Boulevard and Gower Street, and within a year there were around 15 such places in operation. Oh, and about the famous Hollywood sign on Mount Lee: it was originally erected in 1923, as Hollywoodland, to advertise a new subdivision. It would be twenty years before the Chamber of Commerce removed the last four letters, restored the rest, and made the sign one of the most famous landmarks in America.

El Capitan is composed almost entirely of a pale, coarse-grained granite approximately 100 MYA (million years old). In addition to El Capitan, this granite forms most of the rock features of the western portions of Yosemite Valley. A separate intrusion of igneous rock, the Taft Granite, forms the uppermost portions of the cliff face. 5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b. Southeast Face: 125: C3 Aid 16 pitches.

The ghosts of Grauman's Chinese Theater

Sid Grauman opened the historic Chinese Theater in 1927, according to the theater's website. Someone accidentally stepped in the wet cement in front of the new theater, and the idea to have celebrities put their handprints, footprints, and signatures in the sidewalk out front was born. An Open Suitcase verifies that there are now nearly 200 concrete squares dedicated to the stars. Now known as TCL Chinese Theatre, Grauman's has been such a hotspot for movie premieres and other events over time that it is no wonder that a few spirits hang around. The most unusual of them, says The Culture Trip, is Annabell, a child who loves playing around the red curtains on the stage.

But there are more substantial ghosts at the theater, including a stagehand named Fritz who allegedly hung himself above the stage. A more reliable story is that of elderly actor Victor Kilian, whom the New York Times reported was found beaten to death in his apartment near the theater in 1979. Kilian's ghost has been seen wandering around in front of Grauman's, perhaps looking for his killer. Britannica blogger Laurie Jacobson, who toured the theater in 2010, witnessed a large drape 'violently shaking' and said employees have heard buzzers sounding from some private rooms once used to entertain special guests. But the rooms have been sealed off for years.

Actors who haunt the Roosevelt Hotel

Sid Grauman did more than build his Chinese Theater. He also played a heavy hand in building the historic Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, which also premiered in 1927 and hosted the very first Academy Awards. Actors Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford also financed the hotel, which towers 12 stories with 300 rooms. Notable guests of the past include film legends Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, as well as Marilyn Monroe (pictured) who actually lived on the property for two years and shot her first commercial there. Actor Montgomery Clift also lived at the hotel for three months, according to the Los Angeles Times, while shooting From Here to Eternity in 1953. Even in death, neither Monroe nor Clift seem able to leave the Roosevelt.

Haunted Rooms reports that Monroe's spirit habitually haunts her old suite, #1200, and has appeared in the mirror there. As for Clift, the actor's ghost brushes up against people, plays his trumpet, and paces the hallways like he did when rehearsing his lines. But there are more, including a five-year-child identified as 'Caroline,' whom LA Curbed describes as wearing a blue dress. Carole Lombard's ghost floats around the upper floor, while two unidentified spirits linger in the Blossom Room where the Academy Awards were held. Radisson Hotels purchased the Roosevelt in 1985, and in 1991 the hotel was added to LA's Historic-Cultural Monument list.

Ghostly jazz players and perfumed women of the Avalon Theater

Yet another landmark to open in 1927 was the Hollywood Playhouse, better known today as the Avalon Theater. Britannica says the theater also has been called El Capitan, while Totally LA says it was also once named The Palace. Under its various names, according to Haunted Places, the theater presented such famous programs as Fanny Brice and Baby Snooks (on radio), This is Your Life, the Lawrence Welk Show, and more. The shows are long gone, but some of the ghosts from the past didn't get the memo. Most prominent is an unseen jazz piano player who plays to an invisible audience upstairs.

Other unseen ghosts allegedly include a gaggle of high-heeled women whose scented perfumes still linger. Guests have heard voices talking in the balcony, a girl sobbing in the ladies' lounge, and there's a former electrician named Harry who steals tools and messes with things. And Only in Hollywood reports that 'strange messages' are somehow generated by the theater's adding machines and cash registers. There are some sightings, too, such as a dashing man wearing a tuxedo and another couple sipping cocktails, à la 1930s style. The scariest phenomenon? A woman's 'blood-curdling' scream, which, as urban legend tells it, was once emitted by a chorus girl after her jilted boyfriend committed suicide by jumping from the catwalk above the stage and died right in front of her.

The mystery of Greystone Mansion

Interestingly, the scene of one of Hollywood's first murders had nothing to do with the movies. But there is plenty of mystery about the unsolved deaths of Ned Doheny and his secretary, Hugh Plunkett. The story, according to Little Things, goes that Doheny and his wife Lucy moved into Greystone Mansion in nearby Beverly Hills in 1928. All was well until February 1929 when Plunkett showed up in the dead of night, met up with his employer in a locked guestroom, and allegedly shot Doheny dead. Lucy called the family doctor. By the time the police were summoned hours later, Plunkett had shot himself too, but there was much confusion around the scene. The bodies, for instance, had been moved.

For over a year, the media followed the case. The authorities theorized that it was a case of murder-suicide, Patch reports, but there are some intriguing tidbits involving the deaths. According to the Indianapolis Times which covered the investigation, there was a scandal involving the dead men dating back to 1921. And, the press pretty much glossed over the alleged murder-suicide and other strange details according to Findagrave. The mystery remains unsolved. Only the ghosts of a man in a black suit, Lucy Doheny, and of course, Ned and his secretary, who have been seen roaming the halls at the historic mansion, know the truth.

Ghosts of the Knickerbocker Hotel

This rather unassuming building, according to Totally LA, opened sometime between 1923 and 1929 as just another Hollywood hotel. Soon, however, the place was rife with celebrities who visited or even lived at the hotel, KCET says. Residents included actors Frances Farmer (pictured), Maureen O'Sullivan, and William Frawley, the latter of whom suffered a fatal heart attack in the lobby long after he had moved out. And the parties were crazy legendary, hosted by such greats as Betty Grable. Anybody who was anybody attended a bash at the Knickerbocker at one time or another, which is why the ghosts of a bellhop, actress Marilyn Monroe and even Rudolph Valentino (who actually died in 1926) wander the halls.

There is more to the Knickerbocker than just its celebrity status: in 1935, it was the scene of the Pacific Coast Association of Magicians annual convention, and the following year Bess Houdini held the last of ten seances on the roof of the hotel as she tried in order to contact her dead magician husband, Harry Houdini. There were other deaths, too, including that of director D.W. Griffith according to LA Curbed. Add Frances Farmer's arrest and subsequent commitment to a mental institution and the suicide of costume designer Irene Lentz who leaped from her 11th-floor window, and this is truly the stuff of a good ghost story.

Howard Hughes spooks around the Pantages Theater

Oooh, let's talk about Alexander Pantages, the poor Greek boy who worked his way up to a millionaire playboy and whose dalliances included the famed actress Klondike Kate. Pantages's wealth stemmed from the money he made in the Yukon Gold Rush and invested heavily in western theaters. These included the Pantages Theater in Hollywood, which opened in 1930. Just a year before, Pantages's wife caused a car accident that left a man dead, and he was charged with the rape of a seventeen-year-old dancer. Pantages served time for that but was able to open his famous theater —only to lose it in 1932, according to Home Advisor.

The same year Pantages lost his theater, a female patron allegedly died in the mezzanine during a performance, per Britannica, which theorizes the woman was an 'aspiring singer.' Her singing has actually been heard when the theater is empty and even recorded during live performances. Then there is Howard Hughes, who bought the Pantages in 1949 and whose ghost still opens desk drawers and occasionally appears to visitors. Totally LA claims the millionaire's ghost sightings began following a 1990 break-in. And although he hated cigarette smoke, the odor is often smelled just before Hughes appears. There is another ghost too: that of Alexander Pantages himself, who died in his sleep in 1936.

Peg Entwistle and the Hollywood sign

In 1932, newspapers commented on 24-year-old Peg Entwistle, an acclaimed Broadway star in New York and London who inexplicably jumped to her death from atop the Hollywoodland sign. Although 'attempted suicides in Hollywood are nothing unusual,' according to the Washington DC Evening Star, Entwistle's case was notable since she had received glowing reviews for her part in a play titled 'The Uninvited Guest.' But when her parts in her first movie, Thirteen Women, ended up on the editing room floor according to Fringe Paranormal, Entwistle became unstrung. Feeling very much like Hollywood's own uninvited guest, the girl climbed onto the 'H' of Hollywoodland's iconic sign and jumped.

Entwistle left a note that served to identify the actress's body, which was cremated and buried next to her father in Ohio per Findagrave. And true to Hollywood's legendary folktales, Hollywood Sign claims Entwistle's uncle received a letter offering her a lead role in a play the day after her death. Maybe that is why the woman's ghost lingers near the Hollywood sign still, appearing in the late evening wearing clothing of her era. One couple watched her wander around in a daze before vanishing into thin air. And Griffith Park ranger John Arbogast says Entwistle smells of gardenias when she appears and often sets off the alarms around the sign.

Hitler (almost) goes to Hollywood

This little-known landmark is not so much haunted as it is haunting. And it's still worth a look to see if any ghosts show up. Most shocking is its purpose: a secret ranch was constructed outside of Hollywood by Hitler fanatics just for the Nazi leader. Smithsonian Magazine says that upon becoming chancellor of Germany in 1933, Hitler's henchmen sought to infiltrate Los Angeles and start doing away with Jews. Enter the 'Silver Shirts,' a fan club headed by Winona and Norman Stephens. According to Time magazine, the couple purchased 50 acres near today's Will Rogers State Historic Park and began constructing elaborate buildings for the ranch in hopes of making it one of Hitler's headquarters.

According to LA Curbed, the plans included a palatial four-story mansion, spring-fed water, a power station, expansive gardens, and even a pool. But Hitler never visited the ranch and the project never came to full fruition. The place was abandoned sometime after 1948, at which time the Stephens were still relegated to living above a garage and threw in the towel. Gizmodo confirms that some structures were slated to be torn down, which they were in 2016. But enough graffiti-covered ruins remain yet to make the hike to see them worthwhile, and not surprisingly, the place exudes creepiness.

Do schoolchildren haunt the Vogue Theater?

The story goes, according to Creepy Ghost Stories, that in 1901 a fire at Hollywood's Prospect Elementary School killed 25 children and their teacher, identified as 'Miss Elizabeth.' The school, says the site, was located right next door to the Vogue Theater during the 'late 1800s,' but the Vogue wasn't built until 1935. Also, old maps fail to reveal a school on the site, and there are no known news articles about such a fire. Yet several websites, including The Culture Trip, say it is true, and that Miss Elizabeth and eight of her students now haunt the Vogue Theater.

'The theatre is NOT haunted,' former employee Michael Moran insisted to Los Angeles Theatres in 2017. There are no ghosts at all, he says, not even the ghost of a former projectionist identified as Gus. 'I knew Gus and he died long after he retired from the Vogue,' Moran claimed. Rather, the story was fabricated by 'Ghost Hunters tour or some such nonsense.' Moran might have been referring to the International Society for Paranormal Research, which LA Tourist says took over the Vogue in 1992 and found six children and three adults spooking around. Parapsychologist Larry Montz claimed the Vogue 'was one of the most active sites I've ever worked on.' And when his group was done investigating in 2001, he said, they cleared out the ghosts. But others who visit the place remain unsure.

Ghosts of Ciro's dance club

The first Ciro's, according to Playground to the Stars, opened in 1934 on Hollywood Boulevard but failed. In 1940, Billy Wilkerson opened a new, successful Ciro's on Sunset Boulevard which soon became one of the hottest dance clubs in town with such guests as Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz (pictured). But another owner, Herman Hover, lost the business in 1957. After serving as a rock club for a decade or so, the Comedy Store opened for business in 1972 and hosted such greats as Johnny Carson and Richard Pryor. Although none of the building's ghosts are identifiable, plenty of spirits wander around the place today.

Britannica cites such instances as the sound of a piano and other prankish phenomena on the second floor. Candles blow out on their own and chairs slide across the stage by themselves and were once found piled on the stage just seconds after security guard Blake Clark passed by. Clark, who has seen a ghost or two, also said that once, as Sam Kinison rehearsed on stage, a buzz of voices began chanting 'It's him. It's him. It's him,' according to Haunted World. The website also theorizes that most of the spirits hail from the 1940s and '50s when Hover's guest list included members of the mob. Gangster Mickey Cohen and others purportedly tortured and killed men down in the basement, which is described as being haunted by 'an evil entity.' Wear your Kevlar.

Spirits of the Hollywood Wax Museum

What better place for the dead to come to life but in a wax museum? The Hollywood Wax Museum on Hollywood Boulevard opened in 1965 and has since branched out across America. In the original museum, however, spirits move amongst the life-size wax figures, says CBS Los Angeles. Also, photographs of the displays often included 'strange images' and colors that can't be explained. Rumors of ghosts once inspired a National Enquirer reporter to stay the night in the museum overnight. By morning the man was cowering at the front door 'completely pale and horrified.'

LA Tourist, which also recounted the National Enquirer writer's experience, claims that the magazine never heard from their wayward reporter again. But there's more: general manager Tej Sundher says seances in the museum have revealed spirits haunting the place. And as if seeing lifelike creepy wax figures standing around isn't enough, visitors have also reported spotting a woman kneeling in prayer in front of the Last Supper exhibit, Haunted Rooms says. She vanishes when approached. There is also a ghostly young man who enjoys hanging out in the Chamber of Horrors.

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Phoebe Wilson Lovine Hogan


Born March 15, 1886, in Merced Falls, California. TribeChumhunchee. Phoebe’s father was Frank (Hooky) Wilson, bornabout 1840 near Bear Valley, Mariposa County, California. Hisonly relative mentioned was a sister (Calpeen). As the customgoes, when a person died his name was dead, never mentionedexcept as someone’s aunt, uncle, or brother. Hooky was a greathunter, was Captain of his tribe. He operated a threshing machinerig some years in Merced County. He died in 1919.

Phoebe’s mother, known as Marguerite, her Indian namewas Yo Wo' Ko' Chee, was born 1856, near Coulterville, California.She was very active in Indian affairs and ceremonies,and was a Captain. She died in 1930, and was buried in Madera,California.

There were four sons, John, Frank, Montana, and Westley.(The last one,) Westley has made his home in Yosemite since1927. There were six daughters, Elizabeth, Olrena, Bess,Sophia, June, and Phoebe. Only three from this family remainliving today. June lives in Capitola, California, Westley andPhoebe in Yosemite.

When the family was very young, they lived near MercedFalls, California, where some worked in the woolen mills andflour mills in order to make a living. Phoebe went to school inMerced Falls to the eighth grade. She had to quit at thirteen towork and help support the family. She actually started to workand helped at the age of ten, by washing dishes for Mrs. J. Barrettin Merced Falls, and helped with the housework. Barrettsran a resort and stopping place for stages and freight wagons.At the age of thirteen she cooked for thirty-five men, for Mr.Kelsey who was a fig grower near Merced Falls. The work wastoo hard, so she had to quit. The pay was fifteen dollars permonth. During her teens she had a good time with her familyand young friends, went to picnics, church meetings, and dancesat Snelling and Hornitos.

January 12, 1906, Phoebe married Perl E. Lovine, (white)who was working on the Yosemite Valley railroad between Mercedand El Portal, California. He also worked the historicStage Company, for Kenney and Coffman, and later the YosemitePark Company at Kenneyville in Yosemite Valley. He was bornNovember 18, 1889, in Indiana. He and Phoebe separated and heleft for parts unknown.

There were five children from this marriage. Pearl wasborn June 16, 1907, in Merced Falls, California. She died in1954, after an operation. She married Nicholas Brochini, andthey had four children: Evelyn, Laurance, John, and Edward.And a second marriage was to Jim Rust: they had three children:Joan Marie, Beverly Ann, and James Calvin.

Evelyn was born August 1, 1909, in Madera, California. Shemarried Doctor Shoemaker of San Francisco, California, September2, 1939. The Doctor practiced in St. Joseph Hospital.Evelyn was a nurse. They had no children. Doctor Shoemakerdied, in 1960 from a heart attack.

Mary J. was born 1916, in Madera, California. She marrieda man by the name of William Skipper, who was in the Navy,and lived in Florida for some years. Later he was assigned tosome branch of the service in Washington, D. C. They separatedfor some reason not mentioned. They had one daughter, BarbaraLee, (Dolly). Mary J. has returned to California to be near hermother. Her daughter, Barbara Lee, Phoebe’s granddaughter,married Robert Norman Kester, Jr., of Canoga Park, California.They have three children, Kenneth Duane, Norman James, andKaren Darlene.

A son Kenneth was born June 6, 1911, in Madera, California.He married Alice Geary, of Idaho. They had three daughters:Arlene, Carol, and Sharon. Kenneth is an electrician, and theyhave made their home in Fresno, California.

A son Allen E. was born June 17, 1913, in Madera, California.He attended Sherman Indian School, in Riverside,California, the Riverside Junior College, and State TeachersCollege. He was a teacher at the Stewart Indian School in Nevada.He was a famous ball player, and received many prizesand ribbons for his outstanding record. He married Eloese, aSpanish American from Arizona.

During World War II he was commissioned a First Lieutenantin the Infantry. He was killed in battle, March 27, 1945,near Boppard, Germany. He was buried in the United StatesMilitary Cemetery, in St. Avold, France, with full militaryhonors. He received a number of medals, including the PurpleHeart for valor.


In 1930, Phoebe married Clarence L. Hogan, of the Mariposatribe. This marriage lasted only seven years, as Clarence gotinto trouble with his family and assaulted his wife Phoebe, forsome reason (perhaps too much 'Fire Water'). He was takenbefore the U. S. Commissioner in Yosemite and was ordered toleave the Park until such time as lie could straighten himself outand not cause any more trouble. He made his home in Mariposa,until his death, in 1965.

Phoebe moved to Yosemite in 1927, from Madera, California,and made her home first in the Old Indian Village. Later, in 1931,she moved to a new cabin in the New Indian Village, west of theYosemite Lodge. She worked steadily for the Yosemite Park andCurry Company, in the laundry and dry cleaning plant. She saidher first pay was three dollars per day. It took steady work tomake a living, but it was good, and the family lived well all throughthe depression. She worked hard and held her job. She was aguiding influence, and acted as Captain to the others in the village.She helped the other Indians that did not fare so well, during thelean years.

The 'new' Indian Village was built by the Park Service in1931. There were 15 cabins built under rental fee. This was awonderful improvement over the old shanties and bark huts, andmany odd shelters which characterized the old village. The Indiansenjoyed this new way of living, with piped water, and a restroom in the circle of cabins. Here the families reared their childrenand sent them to the local school. The men worked for theNational Park Service and the Yosemite Park and Curry Company.Some of the women made baskets and worked at the museum givingdemonstrations, making acorn meal, and cakes.

The population in 1927, was around one hundred; in the pastfew years it has dwindled to some thirty odd.

Phoebe, a guiding influence, has tried to hold together thefew remaining families, and cooperated with the 'powers that be.'She has been concerned about their living conditions, which needsome improvements. I hope the Park will be able to providebetter living conditions for these people. Phoebe in her 80th yearis alert and interested in the Park welfare, as well as the peoplewho live and work there.

My contacts and visits with her in the past few years weremost interesting, and helpful to me in writing up the short historyof these people.

There has been much concern and controversy between thepark superintendents, and the director’s office of the NationalPark Service in Washington, as to the welfare of the local Indians.The long acceptance of their presence there has establisheda vested right to residence in Yosemite, which after allwas the original home of these Yosemites. It is only fitting andproper that these good people who live here be given permanenthomes. It has been written, and recorded many times in thehistory of our State and Government, 'treatment of our Indiansis one of the blackest marks against our government.' True,but National Park Service is not the Indian Office.

There is no question but that the living conditions in our presentIndian Village should be improved. For the older ones, whowish to remain to live out their lives where sentiment and customsare uppermost in their minds, their homes should be mademodern for these people that struggled through many years andlow standards of living. The good members who work for thePark should be given modern housing along with our regular employees.Much more could be written about this. It is hoped thatthe Park Service will do all it can for these deserving people. TheU. S. Indian Bureau might find funds to, improve the houses?


Born 1841, a full-blooded Yosemite. Maria was the grand-daughterof the Old Yosemite Chief Teneiya. She was one of theseventy-two Indians who were forced to leave Yosemite Valley atthe insistence of Major James D. Savage, in March, 1851.

Her first husband was a full-blooded Yosemite Indian; theyhad a large family and she left four living daughters when shedied. Four sons, Leandro, Cruz, Pietro, and Angelo all met atragic death in their early lives. Her daughter Mary was a full-blood.

Her second husband was a Mexican whose name was Lebrado;they had three children, Andrea, Francisco, and Grace. The fourdaughters living at her death were Mary, Grace, Frances, andAndrea.

Much has been written about Maria. It might interest thereader to read'The Return of the Last Survivor,'by Mrs. H. J.Taylor, Yosemite Nature Notes.

In the early 1920’s Carl P. Russell, Yosemite National ParkNaturalist, first 'discovered' Maria as the last of the originalYosemite Indians, and led Mrs. H. J. Taylor to write two smallbooks about Maria.

Park Naturalist Harwell in 1934, made a visit to the daughtersof Maria, near Bear Creek, Mariposa County; he reported,'Mary was living with her sister Frances Avilla, who was caringfor her, as her mind was failing, only able to mumble a fewwords, but was able to walk despite her eighty or more years.Frances explained that Mary was the daughter of 'Old Indian Bob,'who lived near Nipinnawassee. Mary did not know how many childrenin their family, she thought about ten. Mary’s last husbandwas Jim Leonard.'

Grace Anchor, a sister of Mary and Frances, lived nearby,she married a Swiss German who was employed in YosemitePark as a powder man on road and trail work.

Mary Lebrado’s Cabin at Bear Creek

During this visit Mr. Harwell and party visited the grave ofMaria, in the neatly kept cemetery on top of the hill near theAnchor’s cabin. The following inscription on a card of the undertakingfirm was at the head of her grave, 'Maria Ydaretes died,April 14, 1931.'

Lebrado operated a pack train at Bear Creek. He was asmall Mexican who came here from Bodie, California. He raiseda large family of Mexicans. When his wife died, he moved inwith the Indians and lived with Maria.

It will be noted that many Indian families took on Spanish orMexican names upon their association with these people.

Maria told Mrs. H. J. Taylor, that two or three weeks afterthe Chief (Teneiya) was stoned to death, the halfbreed, Tom Hutchings,brought Teneiya’s bones to the South Fork, in a buckskin,and according to their custom a three-day funeral was held. Shesaid, 'We give Teneiya nice funeral, much Indians come, muchcry, dance, sing, no sit, no eat, three days sing, dance all time,then burn bones, and made ashes go.'

According to Maria Lebrado in 1930, 'The sole survivingfull-blooded Yosemites were herself, a daughter, a nephew; allof the others deceased long years ago.'

Maria’s last visit to the Valley were full of memories.Emotionally she lived over the tragic events of her life, eventsthat have long since passed into cold, historical data.


His birth and early life unknown. He was one of the Chiefsof the Yosemites. He was the father of Johnny Wilson. He died,1885, buried in the Yosemite cemetery.


Susie was a Yosemite Indian, born in Yosemite, age unknown.Her husband was Captain Sam. Old Captain Sam was employedby Camp Curry, and the Sentinel Hotel, to supply them with fishfor the tourists’ meals. Susie died 1904, and was buried in theYosemite cemetery.


Born March 20, 1856. Yosemite tribe. Her father had nowhite name, was one of the Chiefs who lived in the valley beforewhite men came. Louisa’s brother was Pete Hilliard. It is reportedperhaps Louisa lived most of her early life in Yosemite.She was about 100 years old when she died in 1952.


Born 1857, near Mono Lake, California. A Piute. His wifewas Mary. A sister was Sally Ann. They had three sons; Franklives in Sonora, California, where he worked for the lumber companyfor some time. Roland died some years ago. John, no recordat this time.

Charlie was a wood cutter for Yosemite National Park manyyears. He was the first to operate a power saw. He cut manycords of wood for the Park. When he became too old, and was nolonger wanted as a wood cutter, he died, about 1930, and wasburied in Coulterville, California.


Born in 1880, near Mariposa, California. His father wasCaptain of the tribe. He married Maggie (Tabuce) and lived andworked in Yosemite many years. He died in 1960, and was buriedin the Catholic cemetery in Mariposa, California.


Born in 1860, near Bridgeport, California. He had two wives,Louisa and Leanna, who were sisters. Between them they hadten children. Four of them became permanent residents in YosemiteIndian Village by marriage to local Yosemite Indians.

Tom was not a medicine man but it was claimed he couldheal through the spirit. It was recorded that he made the remarkonce, about the Giant Yellow pine in the Yosemite Valley, thatthere would be some connection with his death, that he would diewhen the tree died; this prophecy came true.

Tom had many friends among both Indians and whites. Whena young man, he was a rider for a large cattle ranch near Bridgeport,California. He was industrious, bought land and cattle,raised grain and potatoes, also raised fine horses to sell andtrade. His first home ranch was in Bloody Canyon, not far fromMono Lake.

The family would usually travel across the mountains toYosemite Valley in summer to gather acorns and trade with theYosemite Indians, and of course always get in the gamblinggames, and feasts of the tribe, always returning to his homeranch in the fall before the storms closed the high mountainpasses.

Tom’s family had plenty to eat, which wasn’t so with someof the other Indians. He raised wheat and took it to Bishop, toget it ground into flour. When he killed a beef he would supplymeat to the needy neighbors.

When the Los Angeles Water Aqueduct took over all thewater rights in that area, Tom was forced to sell out, as therewould be no water to use for his crops. He moved to Coleville,California, where he bought land, and made his home until hisdeath in 1938.

His wife Leanna, nearly 100 years old, and now totally blindand very feeble, is living on this property.

Louisa died, January 14, 1956, and was buried in the Yosemite cemetery.Children by Louisa were: Lena, Lucy, Alice,Sara, Harry, and Mack. By Leanna: Tom had Agnes, Lillian,Maime, and Ida. Of all these children only one remains livingtoday, Agnes Castro, who lived in Yosemite until their retirementend of 1965. They now live in Mariposa, California.

Reports are that approximately seventy-five children andgrandchildren were born to this family, some of whom we knowvery little about.


Born in 1870, near Bridgeport, California, a Piute. Herfather was Joaquin Sam, or Kosana. Maggie lived near Bridgeportuntil her mother died, then went to live with her father nearMono Lake. Her family made many trips over the mountains toYosemite to gather acorns, and trade with the Yosemites.

At Mono Lake they collected the pupa of a certain fly whichbreeds on the shores of Mono Lake. With this Ka-cha-vee andacorns they lived well.

On one trip crossing the mountains her father’s horse wasfrightened, and threw him on a rock. Some Indians picked himup and brought him to Yosemite Valley. They thought he wasdead. The story of 'Kosana' as it was told, is that late in thefall of 1875, a small group of Indians from the Mono Lake Countryhad crossed the Sierra, to gather acorns. When they hadfinished, they started their return trip over the high pass, butwere forced to turn back because of a heavy snow storm. Amongthis group was an old man named Kosana, a medicine man, morethan 80 years old, and not strong. He died after the exposureand the strenuous trip into the Valley. His followers set up campnear the site of the present park museum where they built theiru-ma-cha, with canvas and long slabs of incense cedar bark.

Some white men made a fine coffin for the deceased Kosana,he was buried just south of the large rock that is seen near thesoutheast corner of the Yosemite Museum.

Kosana had a young daughter at the time of his death, whowas none other than 'Ta-bu-ce' or Maggie, as she was known byher many friends in later years. Ta-bu-ce is an Indian namemeaning 'grass nut' the name her mother gave her.

Maggie had three husbands: first was Jack Lundy, secondBilly Williams, and third Dan Howard. She had two sons: WillieMike Williams, and Simon Slim Lundy.

After Maggie was married, she and her oldest son William,her sister’s daughter May Tom, age 14, and some others wentup the Yosemite Falls trail, and camped somewhere in the upperIndian Canyon. This was after an Indian Festival. Maggie, aftermuch dancing, was tired and went to sleep early. A high windstorm came up and blew down a large pine tree. Her niece MayTom was killed by this fallen tree. Maggie had her collar bonebroken, her ankles and feet badly injured, and the bones in herright leg fractured. Her sister took her daughter to the Valley,and left Maggie for dead beneath the tree all night. The next dayCharlie Dick and other Indians came for her. She doesn’t rememberwhat happened during that long night. A doctor in theValley set the bones. All summer she lay in a cast, barely ableto move her right hand to shoo away the flies. In the fall she wasable to walk a little. She never fully recovered from this, alwayswalking with a decided limp.

Maggie lived many years in Yosemite Valley, and was wellknown by many park visitors; for some years she was employedby the park museum to give demonstrations, making acorn mealand mush. She made many 'Hikis,' baskets, and sold them tovisitors.

Death came to her January 25, 1947, and she was buried atBishop, California, Too much snow at Mono Lake prevented theburial there, her preferred resting place.


Born May 8, 1868, in Yosemite. Her mother was May Dick,a full-blooded Yosemite Indian. Charlie Dick was her brother.Sally was a beautiful Indian girl, when she was young she marrieda rich miner by the name of Stegeman. He took her to SanFrancisco, where they lived at the Palace Hotel. They had acarriage, and all the fine clothes she wanted, but soon she tiredof all this life, and one night she ran away and returned to Yosemite,her old home.


Stegeman thought enough of her to follow her and returnedto the Valley. Here he found employment in the Post Office, andwas in charge of the express office.

One day Sally Ann rifled the Express Company till, took thebills and left the silver, wrapped the ten, twenty, and fifty dollarbills around her wrist, and went to the store. She boughtmany things. Angelo Cavagnaro was the store keeper. He wasthoughtful enough to charge her double for everything, and ofcourse turned the money back to Stegeman, her husband.

Sally married Johnny Brown after Stegeman died. She wasfull of life, and talkative. They lived in the Valley some years.Johnny Brown said, 'She all the time running away, no stay home,no good.' He beat her for running away but to no avail.

Later she went to Coulterville and married Johnny Castagetto,who ran a fruit and vegetable pack train to supply campsand stores around the County. They had a daughter named Marorie;it was reported she had been seriously ill, but recovered,and is now making her home with her uncle Frank in Sonora,California.

Sally Ann related one of her worst experiences. When theU.S. soldiers came to the Valley, about 1906, they set fire toher cabin and all her belongings, when they destroyed the earlythan Village, which was located on the Military headquarterssite where the Yosemite Lodge now stands. The Indians fled inthe night, and it took some of them a long time to get back.

Sally Ann died, April 10, 1932, and was buried in theYosemite Valley cemetery.


Born in 1870, in El Capitan Meadow, in Yosemite Valley.He was half Yosemite, and half Chinese. Lived most of his lifein Yosemite. He did many kinds of work. He was intelligentand versatile. He helped to survey the property of BridgeportTom’s homestead in Bloody Canyon, when the latter first enteredthat region for farming. He worked for Yosemite National Park,ad the Yosemite Park Company, first drove a freight team, andlater trucks, bringing in supplies to the Valley from the railroadstation at El Portal. He also drove stage to and from the station.

Pete’s first wife was Lula Rube. After her death, he marriedEmma Oliver, from the Yosemite tribe, about 1925. Hehad one daughter, Yolanda, born January 12, 1901. Reports ofhis other children all died of consumption, perhaps in their teens,no other record of this.

Pete’s sister, named Jessie Branson, had four children:Bert, Fred, Hiram, and Dorothy.

Pete died, 1934, and was buried in the Yosemite ValleyCemetery.


Born about 1880, on the upper Chowchilla, Mariposa County.Belonged to the Ah-hom-et tribe.

It is reported he was welcomed by the tribe, as he was first-bornof a noted Chief. His early youth was spent among the Indians,and he learned to speak three dialects perfectly, namelyChuc-chance, Ah-hom-eta, and Mono.

At an early age he was converted to the Christian faith, andwas taken by a priest to a Catholic school where he learned toread and write English. He served the priests in Merced andCoulterville as altar boy for many years.

On attaining manhood he went to Yosemite Valley, and becamea picturesque guide. His proficiency in English and hismany weird Indian stories made him much sought after. His proficiencyin Indian, Spanish, and English caused him to be calledas an interpreter in many noted murder cases in Mariposa andFresno Counties.

Francisco took a Chuc-chance woman for wife, and she,Susan, survived him. He was a noted Indian dancer, and hadmore beads, shells, feathers, etc., to use at tribal dances thanany of the tribe. He was always the leader in all festivities, andhad great command over the members of his tribe, even theCaptains and Medicinemen, answered his commands. He was agood musician, and every holiday he with his guitar, and NajoFigaro with his violin, furnished old time music to the youngergeneration of their tribe, to trip the light fantastic a la American,and many is the white man that took first steps in dancing underold Francisco’s instructions.

He was an inveterate gambler, would quite a job anytime,and travel fifty miles to join in the Indian handgame.

Francisco died in Madera, California, after a severe stomacheailment. He was buried in the Catholic cemetery, in Merced, California.In the absence of a priest the Indian burialceremonies were observed. About twenty Indians were presentto perform the last rites. Many whites were present, and showedmarked respect by their behavior while the weird ceremonieswere in progress.

It was by great pleasure to know and ride herd on dude parties,with this fine character, in 1918, when we were YosemiteGuides. (JWB)


Born June 14, 1881, near Mariposa, California. His fatherwas (white). His mother, Betty Hogan Seton. His wife wasAnna Priest, who is living near Midpines, California. They hadseven children: Bert, Oliver, Ralph, Joe, Francis, Lillian andBerdie. Ed was a guide and packer for Yosemite Park Companyin Yosemite Valley for many years. Their home is near Midpines.Edward died, January 2, 1941, and was buried in theHern cemetery, near Midpines.

El Capitan State Beach

Lucy Sam
[Editor’s note: aka Lucy Brown, great-granddaughter Alice Roosevelt Wilson in a cradle basket, c. 1903. Alice is the daughter of Billy Wilson and Elizabeth George—DEA]


Born 1834, near Mariposa, California. A nephew of MariaLebrado. Had no known family. He lived and worked in the Parkmany years. He was involved in a fight and killed another Indian,and for this he had to serve ten years in San Quentin Prison.Years later, about 1928, some unknown assailant killed him,and his body was found by a hiker under an overhanging rock inthe upper end of the Yosemite Valley. He was buried in the Indian cemeteryat the foot of Lebrado Mountain, near Midpines,Mariposa County. Tom was one of the original Yosemite Indians,when white men discovered the Valley, in 1851.


Born 1885, near Mono Lake, California. A Piute. Daughterof Bridgeport Tom. Her mother was Louisa.

In the early days the family came across the mountains toYosemite Valley to gather acorns, and visit with the Yosemitetribe. Lucy made friends with the whites, and worked for anumber of the park families. Lucy was a famous basket maker;she made the largest basket ever made in Yosemite, which is inthe park museum.

She married John Telles, in 1912, and they lived most oftheir married life in Yosemite Valley. They had one son John,(Jr.).

Her first marriage was to Jack Parker, a Piute. They hadone son, Lloyd Parker. Her grandmother was Susie Sam.Grandfather was Captain Sam.

Lucy died, February 21, 1955, and was buried in Mariposa,California.


Born May 16, 1893, in Shafter, Texas. A Mexican. Hecame to California about 1912. At Mono Lake, he heard somemen tell about some beautiful girls on the other side of the mountains.He started looking for them. He met Bridgeport Tom,and asked him where all the pretty girls were. Tom said, 'Ihave beautiful daughters, they are over the mountains in Yosemite.'So John set out for Yosemite, and soon met Lucy Tom,and they married. They lived in Yosemite, and El Portal for awhile. In 1915 he worked for Mr. Wm. Sell, at the Lost ArrowCamp. In 1927, he started work for the National Park Service,and then for the Yosemite Park and Curry Company as janitorat the Yosemite Lodge.

They had one son John (Jr.) born in 1920. He served inWorld War II. He married Helen Polkenhorn, from Northfork,California. They had two children, David and Gerald. Geraldworked for the Park Sanitation Department. David served in theU. S. Army.

John (Jr.) was killed in 1952, when he was struck on hishead with a bottle, by his wife, in a family quarrel. John drankto excess at times.

John’s wife, Lucy, died in 1955, and he soon thereaftermoved to Fresno, California. There he married Mrs. Epefania,a Mexican, with a son and a daughter, and they live happily together.John is a very friendly fellow, and a good worker, andneighbor.

But bad luck came to his grandson David. October 1963, inYosemite Valley, David was arrested for the rape murder ofMrs. June Elaine Leonard, age 19. The arraignment took placebefore U. S. Commissioner Gene J. Ottonello, some 24 hoursafter the body of Mrs. Leonard was found beaten and strangled,and left almost nude in a wooded area 100 yards off the roadwayacross from Camp Ground 4, in Yosemite Valley.

Telles, a soldier who was on leave before reassignment toFort Devens, Mass., waived a preliminary hearing on the chargesof first degree murder, and forcible rape. He was takenfirst to the Stanislaus County Jail in Modesto, pending transportationto Sacramento, California, for trial.

Mrs. Leonard, the mother of an 8-month old son, Clarence(Jr.), was beaten on the face and head. F. B. I. officers saidTelles struck and beat her in her car, in which they had beenriding. Her body was then dragged to the spot where a woman,a camper in the park, discovered it while on a stroll some 36hours later.

The victim’s husband, a wood cutter for a contractor whosupplies firewood to the Yosemite Park and Curry Company toldthe F. B. I. he last saw his wife Wednesday.

On January 11, 1965, David Telles, the accused murderer,hanged himself in a jail cell in Sacramento, only hours beforehe was to stand trial for the fatal beating of the teenaged girl.Sheriff’s deputies said he was found dangling from a noose fashionedfrom his own socks, and tied to an overhead ventilator.


Born May 22, 1885, in Bear Valley, Mariposa County. Hisfather was Henry, his mother Mary Ann. He had one sister, Mrs.Laura Howard, of Clovis, California. His wife was Grace. Theyhad one daughter, Ella Mae; a son David who died of valley feversome years ago.

Castro lived and worked in Yosemite many years, on roadand trail crews. In later years he worked for the State HighwayDepartment as laborer, on Highway 140. He died August 1963,and was buried in the Mariposa Catholic Cemetery.


Born April 26, 1901, near Mariposa, California. Workedand lived in Yosemite Valley a number of years, on road andtrail crews. He now makes his home in Mariposa, California.


Born November 30, 1903, in Bear Valley, Mariposa County.We was a brother of Castro Johnson. All through his school yearshee played baseball and became quite famous, playing in some bigteams. He lived and worked in Yosemite some years, on roadand trail crews. From reports he had no family of his own.


Born near Mariposa, California. He had no wife or children.He was killed by a truck accident in 1925, near Mariposa, on thecanyon road.

The following news story by May S. Corcoran, October 1926,may be of interest to our readers, and will give the particularsof this accident. 'Eli Johnson, a full-blooded Indian, met deathby a truck accident, while working on the Mariposa canyon road.The truck brakes gave out, and truck went over the bank. Eli’sfriend, Charlie Thompson, a white youth was riding on back ofthe loaded truck. Eli rushed to Charlie and threw him off just asthe truck went over, Eli must have jumped then, but his headstruck a rock.

There was much 'goings on' about the religious rites betweenChief Neyo, and May Law, as to the outcome of CharlieThompson. Chief Neyo was much wrought up about the whitemen taking Eli, but May Law faced Neyo, and said, 'No, Neyo,white men did not take Eli, God took him and God knows why.Finally Neyo gave his word, 'Eli say go, you go.' Eli was givena fall Indian burial service; Mrs. Marguerite Wilson conductedthe Indian burial services.'

Neyo Figeroa was Chief of the Mariposa tribe. He wasborn in Bear Valley in 1850, and died in 1926.


Born 1888 near El Portal, California. He was a stepson ofJohnny Wilson. His wife was Lena Brown, a sister of Joe Rube.They had one son, Billy (Jr.) born in 1923.

Billy (Sr.) was a well-known guide for Kenney and Coffman,and later for the Yosemite Park Company. He was a colorfulcharacter, and guided many notables over the trails in Yosemite.He was an expert horseman, and able to meet any emergency inthe mountains. He was a keen tracker; I recall one day when welost our horses in the Tuolumne Canyon, Billy found and followedthose tracks over smooth granite, finding our stock hiding up inthe rocks on the canyon bench.

'Fire Water' got the best of some Indians. Sometime in thelate 1920’s trouble was brewing in the Rancheria of El Portal,and as usual fighting and drinking went on for sometime. Thewomen and children tried to get away by crossing on a dangerouscable car that passed across the Merced River. While they weretrying to escape some drunken Indian shook the cable, and upsetthe car, throwing out the three children and one woman. Thechildren were drowned, the woman was pulled out of the waterand revived.

Soon after this episode, Billy (Sr.) was found shot to deathnear the apple orchard in Indian Flat. A certain well-known Indianwas questioned by the County Officers, but no proof of evidencewas found that he committed this crime. So again, 'Fire Water'was bad medicine. Billy, and the children were buriedin the Indian cemetery near El Portal, California.


Born, date unknown, perhaps in Yosemite. She was one ofthe last full-blooded Indians of the Yosemite tribe. Her husbandwas Bill Brown or Mono Brown as he was called. Lucy was acousin of Maria Lebrado. She was in the Yosemite Valley whenit was discovered in 1851. Lucy was the oldest of six generationsof the Brown family, many of whom lived most of theirlives in Yosemite. Both Lucy and Bill are buried in the Yosemitecemetery.


Susie was born, December 1869, near a stage station alongthe Merced River, Mariposa County. Her father Jim Laurance,a white man, came from Missouri. He worked in the gold mines,sawmills, road camps, and railroad around Mariposa Countymost of the time. They lived in Yosemite and Wawona part ofthe time.

Susie married Archie Leonard about 1891; they lived in Wawonamuch of their time while Archie was a Scout and Rangerfor the Army Troops and for the National Park Service. Therewere fourteen children from this marriage; some died in infancy.At this writing there are four sons living, Henry in Madera,Archie in Angeles Camp, Tom in Ahwahnee, and John on the oldhomestead near Usona, and works in Yosemite for the NationalPark Service. There are two daughters living, Mae Esclante inLos Angeles, California, and Violet Cabezut in Atwater, California.

The old Usona homestead was taken up by Archie Leonardmany years ago and remains in the family to this day.

Susie died in 1947, and was buried in the family cemetery,where eight members have been buried; they are Fanny, Illa,Lucinda, Jim, Frank, Jim Laurance, Susie, and Archie.


Born January 8, 1898, on the Chowchilla district, near Mariposa, California.His father was Archie Leonard. His motherwas Susie. John worked for Yosemite National Park many yearsand lived most of his life in or near Yosemite. He had no familyof his own. In winter he lives on the old homestead, near Usona,California.


Born 1891, near Bull Creek, Mariposa, California. His sisterwas Lena Brown Wilson. Joe was a Veteran of World War I.He worked and lived in Yosemite many years. He was an experthorseman, and packer. He packed for the Park Trail crews. Hedied, 1954, and was buried in Mariposa, California.


Born 1891, in Madera, California. Tribe Chuckchance; hisfather and mother unknown. He married Alice Tom; they hadfour children: Oscar, Frances, Gladys, and Norman. Fremontworked in the Park on labor crews for some years.

There was a second marriage to Eleanor Gibbs, and theyhad two daughters and two sons by this union. Some years laterhe met with a fatal accident when he was run over by a tractortrying to repair it.


Born 1899, near Mono Lake, a Piute. Daughter of Bridgeport Tom.Her mother was Louisa Tom. She came to Yosemitewith her family many years, to gather acorns and trade with theYosemites. Alice worked for some of the Yosemite families,doing housework and cooking. She was well liked by all thepeople in Yosemite. Alice married Fremont James, and theyhad four children.

Her second marriage was to Westley Wilson. They lived inYosemite. Alice died June 10, 1959, and was buried inMariposa, California.


Born 1890, in Bear Valley, Mariposa County. His fatherwas Henry Johnson, his mother Mary Ann. Harry married SarahTom in 1921. They had two daughters, Velda and Norma Jean.Lorraine was a stepdaughter. Velda lives near Midpines.Norma Jean lives in Malone, Nevada. They had two sons, Burleighand Jay. Both were in the U.S. Army. Burleigh is now in Nevada.Jay works for the Park, on Insect Control crews.

Harry worked many years for the Park, on labor crews,road maintenance, and trail crews, and part time in the Parkwarehouse. He met with a fatal accident in 1958, when he fellin the Yosemite Creek and drowned. He was buried in theMariposa cemetery.

Harry served in World War I, with the 20th Engineers inFrance.


Born March 17, 1904, near Mariposa, California. A grandsonof Maria Lebrado. His father was white. His mother wasGrace Lebrado. Jim’s first wife was Mary Walker, from Northfork,and his second wife was Pearl Lovine. They had one son,James who at last report was in the Navy. There were two daughters,Joan who married Ronald Wilson, Beverly, marriedCharles Hibpsham, they had two sons, and one daughter: Steven, Ray,and Roberta. Joan had two daughters and one son.

Jim’s third wife was Veltha Jones. From reports there hadbeen trouble in the family, and during an argument she committedsuicide by shooting herself.

Jim lived and worked in Yosemite Valley many years. Heworked for the National Park Service, and for road contractorsin and out of Yosemite. He now makes his home near Bear Creek,near Mariposa, California.


Born, date not known, near Bear Creek, Mariposa County.He was a handsome halfbreed. His wife was Emma Oliver. Theyhad five children. Fred lived and worked in Yosemite on laborcrews, and was a guide in the Park for some time.

He met his death in a mine near El Portal. He was carryingdynamite caps in a box on his waist; it was thought he may havebeen smoking, and this accidentally set off the charge whichblasted his abdomen. He lived several days after the accident.


Born April 11, 1883, near Mariposa, California. She is thedaughter of Jack Oliver. Her first husband was Fred Beale, and

they had five children. Later she married Pete Hilliard about1925. Date of her death not known.

Ranger John Wegner recalled an incident in 1914, when heassisted Fred Beale in recovering the body of their young sonwho fell off a plank bridge across Indian Creek. Water had to bediverted in Indian Creek to get the body out of a tangle of rootsat the foot of a small waterfall.

A young daughter died of tuberculosis in Yosemite, about1930. These two children and Fred were buried in the IndianCemetery, near Bear Creek, California.


Born October 9, 1894, in Merced Falls, California. Hewent to the Sherman Indian School, in Riverside, California. Helived in Merced Falls and in Madera, California, the early partof his life. Jack lived and worked in Yosemite for some years.In 1942 he had an accident on the Four Mile trail, in Yosemite,when a rock rolled on him, and this may have been the beginningof his illness. He died January 13, 1944, from a heart attack.

His father was Frank Wilson. His mother was MargueriteWilson.


Born 1895, near Bull Creek, Mariposa County. His fatherWas Austin, an old-time Indian. His mother was Emma, daughterof Captain Jim. He had one sister Ada Martinez, who diedabout eight years ago. He had one nephew, George Warne andtwo nieces, Mable Riddle and Alfretta Converse.

Louis worked in Yosemite many years and was a packer forthe Park Service trail crews. He was an expert horseman and anumber one hand. He now lives in Bagby, California, and worksfor the Schilling cattle ranch.


Born 1900, in Merced Falls, California. Attended school inthe Sherman Indian School. His father was Frank Wilson; hismother was Marguerite Wilson.

Westley lived and worked in Merced Falls during his earlylife in the woolen mills and flour mills. After moving to Yosemitehe worked for the Park, and the Yosemite Park and Curry Company.

He married Alice James, and they lived in the Yosemite IndianVillage. After Alice’s death, he remained in the Indian Village,and at the present time lives near his sister Phoebe.


Johnny was born about 1860, perhaps at Rancheria Flat nearEl Portal. He was married first to Sally Ann Dick. His secondwife was Lena Brown, and they had four children - Chris, Virgil,Alves, and Hazel. Johnny was one of the last Indian burialceremonies in Yosemite Valley which took place during his funeral.Chris Brown and Lizzie, last surviving Nutchu, performedthe Indian rites at the burial 1934.


Born August 18, 1898, in Yosemite. He was the son ofJohnny Brown; his mother was Lena Brown. He lived in andaround Yosemite and El Portal, also Bull Creek. His dispositionwas somewhat troublesome, and 'fire water' did not improve it.He had a stroke about five years ago which crippled him, and hedied from this condition.


Born 1903, near El Portal, California. Son of JohnnyBrown, mother Lena. As a boy he learned the dances and chantsand tribal rituals. He was appointed 'runner' or messenger forhis tribe, he was called 'Chief' by whites because he was chiefof song and dance for his tribe. Tape recordings of his Songsand Chants are in the museum.

He worked for the Park Service, at the Museum, givingdemonstrations of Indian dances. He had no 'Chief' status withthe Indians, though they all were admiring of him because hewas able to fool the whites at the Museum. So much 'material'was demanded of him that he gleefully made some of it up. Hewould pretend he knew no English, and sometimes Phoebe would'translate' for him. But one day she got fed up and said, 'Askhim - he speaks white man’s language,' and he was very put outwith her, for giving him away. Phoebe admired and was fond ofhim, and lost a good friend when he died.

Lee mee’s Indian name translated meant 'ripple on thewater'; this was given to him by Calpene, a medicine woman ofthe Miwok tribe. His name Chris was bestowed by Chris Jorgensen,famed Yosemite artist.

Chris was a cousin of Phoebe Hogan, as his grandmotherand Phoebe’s mother were sisters. He lived most of his life inYosemite and Mariposa. He died, November 14, 1956, and wasburied in Mariposa, California.


Born March 12, 1907, in El Portal, California. Son ofJohnny Brown. He had no family of his own. Worked for YosemiteNational Park as a packer for some years. In later years

Indian Field Days, 1920
he made his home in Mariposa, California. There is a news reportof his death in Stockton, California, by some unknown assailantwho stabbed him. He was buried in Mariposa,November 11, 1964.


Born September 22, 1899, near Bear Valley, MariposaCounty. His father was Dave Hogan, half white, his mother wasEmma Priest, half white, of Mariposa.

His wife Hazel, who was raised by John and Lucy Telles,died in 1944. They had a son and two daughters. Delbert, theson, died in 1944. Helen married a man by the name of Coats,and they had three children, Jack, Alveta, and Lisa.Henry worked for the Yosemite National Park sanitationcrew for many years. They own a home near Whispering Pines,Mariposa County. His wife Hazel was born 1909, near MonoLake, her last name unknown. John and Lucy Telles gave hertheir name. In 1944 she met a tragic death by some unknown assailantsnear San Francisco. Her body was severely batteredand thrown out in the bushes in a lonely spot. No reason wasfound for their heinous crime.


El Capitan Download

Born January 2, 1907, near Bear Valley, Mariposa County.He was the son of Dave Hogan, half white, his mother was EmmaPriest, of Midpines. He married Phoebe Wilson Lovine, in 1931.They lived in Yosemite Indian Village. Clarence, worked for thePark, on road and trail crews.

He was unfortunate and became addicted to liquor, and underits influence he was quarrelsome. In one of these spells hefought with his family and wife, doing bodily injury to his wife.He was cited before the U.S. Commissioner and given a suspendedsentence if he would give up 'fire water' and cause nomore trouble. He left the Park after this trouble and made hishome in Mariposa.

He had a daughter from an early marriage, her name isMrs. Margaret Acequero[Editor’s note: Oceguera—DEA], and she now has a large family andlives near Gabbs, Nevada.

Clarence died, July 22, 1965, and was buried in the HernCemetery, near Mariposa, California.


Born October 2, 1904, near Mariposa, California. A son ofDave Hogan. He married Louise Valenzuela, and they had onedaughter who now lives in Santa Clara.


Roy worked in Yosemite for the road maintenance and livedin the Indian Village some time. He was killed when his carwent out of control and turned over the grade near Mariposa,some twenty years ago.


Born May 31, 1927, in Yosemite Valley. Her father wasHenry B., and her mother Hazel. She married Jack Coats ofIdaho. Their home is in Mariposa. They have three children:Jack, Alveta, and Lisa. Helen was employed at the YosemiteHospital as a nurses aid.


Born 1901. in Mariposa, California. His fatherTiburcio Fortunado Castro, was a barber and had a shop in Mariposa manyyears. He came to Mariposa with the influx of miners in the earlygold rush days.

Stanley first worked for the Yosemite National Park in 1917,on the Pole Line between El Portal and Yosemite Valley. Thenfor a few years he was employed by the Yosemite Park Company,servicing equipment in the garage. In, 19291 he started work forthe National Park Road Maintenance and later became foreman-in-chargeat Wawona.

He married Agnes Tom, in 1921, and they had three children:Charlie, Patsy, and Roberta. They made their home in theIndian Village and Wawona.

Patsy, born 1932, lives in Mariposa, California. Roberta,born 1941, is a Registered Nurse, graduated from the KaiserSchool, 1963. Charlie, born in Yosemite, works in YosemiteNational Park Service Blister Rust and Insect Control work inthe Park.

Stanley told about his job working for the State Road Departmentnear Mono Lake, in 1921, while building the new grade betweenMono Lake and Bridgeport. Mules and horses were usedon this job. Agnes, his wife, cooked for sixty men. It was arough job, with a minimum of conveniences.

Castro and Agnes retired December 1965, and moved toMariposa, California.


Born July 4, 1899, in Bodie, California. A Piute. Her fatherwas Bridgeport Tom, her mother was Leanna.

Agnes lived with her family near Mono Lake most of heryoung life, except in summer, when the family came over themountains to Yosemite to gather acorns and trade with the Yosemites.She married Stanley Castro, in 1921. They had three

Home of 'Captain Dick' (Ruando Dick),Father of Sally Ann
children, as mentioned before. Agnes worked for the Yosemiteark and Curry Company many years, at the Lodge and atWawona Hotel. In the Valley she worked for some of the localfamilies. She was well liked by everyone. They raised andeducated their family in the best manner.

Her mother Leanna is very old, could be 100 or more, andlives near Coleville, California. Her grandmother was SusieSam, her grandfather on her mother’s side was Captain Sam.There is a tape recording on Susie Sam in the Yosemite Museum.

Agnes is now the oldest of the Piutes who came to Yosemitemany year ago. She is well known and respected by all the old-timers.


Born 1902, near Mono Lake. A Piute. His father was JackParker, his mother Lucy Tom. His wife was Virginia Murphy,of Mono Lake. They had three sons. Ralph lives and works inYosemite for the Road Department. Clarence died about threeyears ago in an automobile accident. Kenneth lives in Bootjack;near Mariposa; his wife is Dorothy Bolton and they have threechildren.

Lloyd has lived and worked in Yosemite Valley most of hislife, on road and trail crews, and at this date he is making hishome in the Indian Village.


Born May 25, 1906, near Bull Creek, Mariposa County. Hebelonged to the Mariposa tribe. He is the grandson of Maria Lebrado.His father was George Rhoan, his mother was Candelaria.Alvin attended school at Greenville Indian School, in PlumasCounty, and the Sherman Indian School in Riverside, California.

He married Amy Harrison of Mono Lake, a Piute, in 1930.hey had four children. Joe is in the U. S. Air Corps. Patrickis in the Air Transport Service U.S. Army. George lives inFresno, California. Beatress married to Jim Phillips.

His wife, Amy Harrison, was born January 29, 1910, nearMono Lake; her mother was Ida Tom.

Alvin has lived and worked most of his life in YosemitePark, in the road department and now is Operator General.They live in Wawona. Amy worked at the Wawona Hotel. Alvinretired in 1965, now making their home near Mariposa.


Born 1906, in Mariposa, California, a member of the Mariposa tribe.His father was Jack Oliver, half white. His motheras Ella Johnson, half white. His wife was Hazel Brown. Theyhad five children: Mary Jane, Margaret, Barbara, Jack, andRobert. Two of these, Mary Jane and Margaret met a tragicdeath; they were drowned in the Merced River near El Portalwhile trying to cross in the cable car, while a family fight wasgoing on in the Rancheria. The children were thrown out of thecar into the rushing water of the Merced River.

Some years later Hazel met with an untimely death. She wasbeaten up by some unknown men, and died from the injuries, reasonof the crime was unknown.

Nelson worked in Yosemite a number of years on labor crews,wood cutting, and road maintenance, now making his home inMariposa, California.


Born November 8, 1903, near El Portal, California. He wasthe son of Fred and Emma Beale. His wife is Lila Oliver; theyhad two daughters, Freda and Alilene.

Frazier worked and lived in Yosemite for a number of yearson the labor and carpenter crews. Later moved near Oakland,California, where he was employed by the Southern Pacific Railroad,as a machinist.


Born November 16, 1902, near El Portal, California. Sonof Fred and Emma Beale. He was in World War II, contractedT. B., was in Walla Walla, Washington, hospital for awhile, wasdischarged. His whereabouts not known at this time. He had nofamily of his own.


Born January 14, 1908, near El Portal, California, the sonof Fred and Emma Beale. His wife was Irene Harrison. Theynow live near Oakland, where he operated an auto wrecking yard.In his early years he worked in Yosemite National Park, on trailand road crews.


Born December 12, 1909, near El Portal, California. Thedaughter of Fred and Emma Beale. She married George Warren.She met death by choking on a piece of meat. They livedin Los Angeles for some time. George worked for the ParkService for a number of years and lived in the Indian Village.


Born September 16, 1917, near El Portal, California. Thedaughter of Fred and Emma. She married a man by the nameof Soldado. They had three or four children. They live in ElMonte, California.


Born 1906, in Madera, California. Italian. Worked in thelumber mill, was a planer and sawyer. His wife was Pearl Lovinedaughter of Phoebe. They had four children: Laurence, Edward,John, and Evelyn. He died of cancer of the lung,February 14, 1933, and was buried in the Catholic cemetery in Madera,California.


Born December 4, 1924, in Madera, California. His fatherwas Nicholas (Sr.), his mother was Pearl Lovine. He marriedFlorence Watson, from Idaho. They had five children: Linda,Robert, John, Daniel, and Debra.

Nicholas served in the Army during the World War II. Hehas worked for Yosemite National Park on light and heavy dutytrucks. They lived in the Indian Village some years. NowDisposal Plant operator at El Portal. Their home is in Midpines,California.


Born February 19, 1927, in Madera, California. Fatherwas Nicholas (Sr.); his mother, Pearl Lovine. He attended schoolin Madera, Phoenix Indian School in Arizona, and at Northfork,California. He married Ann Hall, who worked in the NationalPark office. They live in Yosemite Valley.

Laurance has worked up in the National Park Service and isdoing a fine job, in the Road Maintenance Department.


Born November 29, 1930, in Madera, California. Fatherwas Nicholas, his mother, Pearl Lovine. He married PatsyCastro. They have three children: Tony, Marino, and John (Jr.).They live and own a home near Mariposa. He has worked on roadcontract work near Sierra City, California, for some time.


Born May 19, 1929, in Madera, California. Her father wasNicholas Brochini; her mother was Pearl Lovine Brochini. Sheis a granddaughter of Phoebe. Separated from her husband,Evelyn has been working for the Yosemite Park and Curry Company,in the Housekeeping Camp, and lives with her grandmotherpart time. She is well liked by her supervisor and is a goodsteady worker. She has one son, Mike Brochini, 17 years old.One daughter, Yvone Coleman, age 14.


Born near Blue Mound, Kansas, date unknown. His fatherwas white. He married Emma Priest Hogan, of the Mariposatribe. They had one son, Richard. Lee worked for YosemiteNational Park on road maintenance for some time, in the early1930’s. He died, January 17, 1951, and was buried in the HernCemetery, near Midpines, California.


Born 1924. His father was Lee Lemaster. His mother wasEmma Priest. He married Velda Johnson. They lived in Yosemite.They had three children: Donald, Gale, and Bonnie. Richardworked for the Park on labor crews for some years. He waskilled in an auto accident near Oakhurst, California, April 1, 1951.


Born near Usona, in Mariposa County, date unknown. White.He married Lorraine Johnson, a granddaughter of Bridgeport Tom,and they had one daughter Gloria and one son Billie.Wilson worked in Yosemite on road maintenance and woodcutting for some time. It was reported some years ago he hadgone to Saudi Arabia.


Paul lived and worked in Yosemite during his early years, onroad maintenance. He married Lorraine Chapman; they had nochildren. A few years ago he transfer[r]ed to Sequoia National Park,on road maintenance.


Born May 19, 1916, near Mono Lake, California. His fatherwas Fremont James; his mother Alice (Tom) James. He attendedschool in Yosemite. He married Veltha Jones, from Awaik, Nevada.They had one son George who was killed in an auto accident.Oscar lived and worked in Yosemite Park many years onlabor crews.


Born June 6, 1918. The daughter of Fremont and Alice James.She died of T. B. in an Arizona hospital some years ago. It wasreported a few kind local Yosemite women gathered enough moneyto send Alice to Arizona to see Frances, who turned over, lookedat her mother, said, 'I knew you’d come,' and died.


Born September 2, 1923, in Yosemite the son of Fremontand Alice James. He attended the-local school, and lived all hislife here. He has been working for the Park Service on roadmaintenance, heavy-duty operator.They had six sons. His wife Pauline has been working forthe Yosemite Park and Curry Company, part time during thesummer seasons.


Born, date unknown, near Mono Lake, the daughter of Fremontand Alice James. She died in Mono County some years ago.


Born March 2, 1930, in Yosemite Valley, the son of Lloydand Virginia Parker. He attended Yosemite school and StewartIndian School, in Stewart, Nevada.

Ralph married Julia Domingues, May 16, 1948, in El Portal,California, making their home in the Yosemite Indian Village.He had two daughters and two sons.

Ralph is employed by the Yosemite National Park Road Maintenanceheavy equipment operator.

Ralph’s grandmother was Lucy Telles, grandfather Jack Parker,Piute. His great grandmother, Louisa Tom, a Yosemite orMiwok. Great grandfather was Bridgeport Tom. His great-greatgrandmother was Susie Sam a Yosemite or Miwok. Hisgreat-great grandfather was Captain Sam, Piute.


Born March 8, 1929, in Graton, California. She came toYosemite in 1948. Her father was Mexican; her mother afull-blooded Pomo Indian.

Julia went to school seven years in public school and fiveyears to the Carson Indian School in Stewart, Nevada.

She married Ralph L. Parker, a Yosemite Indian, May 16,1948, in El Portal, California. They have two daughters andtwo sons. Their names are: Virginia, Lucy, Louis, and Allan.

Julia is continuing the custom of making Indian baskets andgives demonstrations to the park visitors in the museum gardeneach day in the summer. This is sponsored by the YosemiteNaturalist Division. This craft is almost a lost art among thepresent day Indians. She demonstrates the technique of weavingcoiled baskets, and also of preparing acorn meal and cakes.Julia’s work has proven very popular with the Yosemite visitors,and has aided greatly in telling the story of the Yosemite Indians.In 1965, Julia was employed by the Yosemite Park and CurryCompany, to manage the Pohono Shop, which specializes in handlingIndian items.

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Julia’s father was Frank Ralph Domingues who died in 1933and was buried in Santa Rosa, California. Her mother, Lily PeteDomingues, died in 1934, and was buried in Santa Rosa. She hadtwo brothers, Frank and William, and two sisters, Mary Lou andMadeline.

In a recent news item dated March 1966, Byron Nishkian,formerly a Yosemite Winter Club president, now USSA president,recently attended the F I S Nordic Championships in Oslo. Hetook as a gift to the Norwegian Ski Association a magnificentIndian basket woven by Julia Parker. Mrs. Parker devoted some350 hours to the basket’s creation, weaving it from native grasses.Mrs. Parker refused any reimbursement and was pleasedthat she could contribute a part of our country’s heritage to ourfriends in Norway.

These biographical sketches are not complete because countlessnumbers of Indian blood have died or left the Yosemite Regionsince I first joined the Yosemite Ranger service in 1921.However, they may be of value to future historians, and shouldbe preserved.

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John W. Bingaman
District Park Ranger (Retired)
Yosemite National Park, California

Yosemite Indians

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