Spring Batch Flat File Item Writer Example

I have 2 writers db writer and file writer. In case of every record processed irrespective of conditions i need to save it to database. But only on certain codes i need to write it on flat file. I was thinking composite item writer but would really value your input. Thanks, my email address is tshah@egov.com.

Spring Batch Flat File Item Writer Examples


Learn to read CSV file from filesystem or resources folder using FlatFileItemReader class.

Spring Batch reads items one by one from an ItemReader, collects the items in a chunk of a given size, and sends that chunk to an ItemWriter. Spring Batch handles read-write scenarios by managing an ItemReader and an ItemWriter. Spring Batch collects items one at a time from the item reader into a chunk, where the chunk size is configurable. Example Spring Batch Example jobs with admin console to launch and manage. This example implements the following two jobs that read/write flat files and an in memory (HSQL) relational database. A job can consist of ā€˜nā€™ number of steps. Each step contains Read-Process-Write task or it can have single operation, which is called tasklet.; Read-Process-Write is basically read from a source like Database, CSV etc. Then process the data and write it to a source like Database, CSV, XML etc. Spring Batch Flat File Reader reads multiple files Problem: Implement a standalone flight search engine that lists matching flights for a traveller who is looking to fly between 2 locations on a given date.

Project Structure

In this project, we will learn to ā€“

  1. Read CSV file from input/inputData.csv.
  2. Write data to console.

Read CSV with FlatFileItemReader

Spring Batch Flat File Item Writer Example Program

You need to use FlatFileItemReader to read lines from CSV file.

Write read rows to console

Spring batch flat file item writer example free

Create ConsoleItemWriter class implementing ItemWriter interface.

Use ConsoleItemWriter as writer.

Spring Batch Flat File Item Writer Example Pdf

Maven Dependency

Spring Batch Flat File Item Writer Example

Look at project dependencies.


Before running the application, look at complete code of BatchConfig.java.

Run the application


Run the application as Spring boot application, and watch the console. Batch job will start at start of each minute. It will read the input file, and print the read values in console.

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Happy Learning !!