Download Eclipse Kepler

Kepler is a past version of Eclipse. Please visit our download page for the latest version of Eclipse.
  1. Download Eclipse Kepler For Mac
  2. Download Eclipse Kepler 32 Bit

Download Eclipse Kepler For Mac

June 26, 2013


  • Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) 3.5 now supports the development of Java EE 7 applications.
  • Stardust 1.0 provides a complete Business Process Management (BPM) suite of tools and runtimes.
  • Orion 3.0 includes significant usability features and easier deployment to Java applications servers.
  • Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) support for big data reporting now includes support for MongoDB and Cassandra.
  • Mylyn now includes better support for code reviews through a navigator view and integration with Gerrit.
  • Maven Integration for WTP now makes it easier to use Maven for Java EE projects in Eclipse.

Download Eclipse Kepler 32 Bit

In this video we are going demonstrate how to install and Configure Eclipse Kepler (JavaEE) in Windows 10.Also we run sample program in Kepler. Provides temporary access to a software repository for the Eclipse Kepler SR2 maintenance development work. For more information about installing or updating software, see the Eclipse Platform Help. Download; Learn More; Documentation; Getting Started / Support; How to Contribute. Kepler, June 26, 2013; Juno, June 27, 2012; Indigo, June 22, 2011; Helios. Eclipse aCute - C# and.NET Core development tools in Eclipse IDE; Eclipse RedDeer; Eclipse TM4E - TextMate support in the Eclipse IDE; EclipseLink; Eclipse Yasson. Brief Instructions for Setting up Kepler under Eclipse. If you already know Eclipse, SVN, Kepler, and Ptolemy, you may find the hugely abbreviated version of the instructions in this section useful. Note that the ant change-to command uses svn to download the rest of Kepler and Ptolemy II, which can take awhile. The ant change-to command. A note of warning here: It looks like Serial Terminal support in Eclipse can be challenging! I’m using Windows 7 64bit, but I was not able to get it working with the 64bit Eclipse Kepler. It worked (with some UI issues) in 32bit Eclipse on Windows 7 64bit.